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Transistor Circuits Compilation (01) Infographic

Our infographic shows a variety of very useful transistor circuits from the basic common emitter amplifier through to a high pass filter, capacitance multiplier, switch, and more . .

In this infographic I provide some of the essential transistor circuits which are very useful for any design engineer.

Transistor circuits are often needed either on their own or when interfacing in one way or another with ICs.

The basic common emitter amplifier is used in many areas as a standard audio or other amplifier. The emitter follower is the standard circuit for a transistor buffer. Often it is directly coupled to the previous stage as this makes biasing easy and removes the need for coupling capacitors that may affect the frequency response.

The capacitance multiplier may be used in some form of power supply circuit to remove unwanted ripple and spikes.

The other circuits also have their applications - the switch as a driver for one of many different applications, the high pass filter to remove lower frequencies, and the current source is also important and widely used.



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