Radio Propagation Explained

Radio Propagation Explained by Steve Nichols is based onth e very popular book, Radio PropagationPrinciples and Practice by Ian Poole and has been updated to include more information on software prediction and modelling

Radio Propagation Explained

By: Steve Nichols

ISBN: 978-1910193280

Based on an earlier text by Ian Poole, Radio Propagation Explained provides a complete understanding of the basics of radio signal propagation. Aimed at the ham radio market, this book provides a very understandable guide to how radio signals propagate from frequencies of 100kHz or so right up to the microwave region.

The book obviously has a large amount about ionospheric propagation, but it also addresses tropospheric propagation as well as some more esoteric radio propagation such as moonbounce or Earth-Moon-Earth.

The book also provides information about some of the software used in radio propagation prediction etc.