Buy Baofeng Amateur Radio Equipment: VHF / UHF transceivers

The Electronics Notes Ham Radio Store contains a variety of equipment from Baofeng offering very affordable prices, especially on VHF / UHF handhelds.

Baofeng has created a real niche in the market for really low cost, but effective amateur radio and other equipment.

One of their successes has been with VHF, UHF and VHF/UHF handheld amateur radio transceivers. These ham radio handhelds represent absolutely unbeatable value for money. Whilst they may not have all the bells and whistles of some of the more expensive offerings from other manufacturers, these just can be beaten in terms of value.

Baofeng offer a variety of different ham radio VHF / UHF handheld transceivers capable of putting in a good level of performance.

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Baofeng has established a real niche in the amateur radio market and offers a variety of different VHF and UHF handheld transceivers or handhelds.

These VHF / UHF ham radio handhelds may not offer all the capabilities and frills of some more expensive rigs, but at the cost they provide really unbeatable value. For many they will be an ideal way of getting on the air.

The Baofeng handhelds offer all the facilities including CTCSS, memory channels, VHF and UHF coverage (exact coverage varies for different models), computer channel programming, etc. Whilst they may not offer all the advanced capabilities provided by equipment from some of the other manufacturers, there is everything hat is needed to get on the air - what more do you need most of the time anyway!