Metric Imperial Units Conversion Factors
With the need to convert between SI units and Imperial units, conversion factors are required .
SI, International System of Units Includes:
SI base units
SI units & symbols
SI / metric prefixes
Unit definitions
SI (metric) / Imperial conversion
Summary of common units for electronics
With the continuing use of Imperial units in many areas these days, there is still a necessity to convert from metric to imperial units, or in the reverse direction from Imperial to metric units.
These conversions are easy provided that the conversion factors are available.
The table or chart below provides the factors for converting from metric units to Imperial units, or in the reverse direction from Imperial to metric units.
Metric / SI / Imperial conversion factors
Metric Quantity | Imperial Quantity | Imperial Quantity | Metric Quantity | |
1 centimetre | 0.394 inches | 1 inch | 2.54 centimetres | |
1 millimetre | 0.0394 inches | 1 foot | 0.3048metres | |
1 metre | 1.0936 yards | 1 yard | 0.914 metres | |
1 metre | 3.281 feet | 1 foot | 0.3048 metres | |
1 decimetre | 0.3281 feet | 1 foot | 3.048 decimetres> | |
1 kilometre | 0.6214 miles | 1 mile | 1.6093 kilometres | |
1 kilometre | 0.539 nautical miles | 1 nautical mile | 1.8532 kilometres |
Surface area SI conversions
Metric Quantity | Imperial Quantity | Imperial Quantity | Metric Quantity | |
1 sq centimetre | 0.1550 Sq inches | 1 sq inch | 6.5416 sq centimetres | |
1 sq metre | 1.196 sq yards | 1 sq yard | 0.8361 sq metres | |
1 sq centimetre | 0.001067 sq feet | 1 sq foot | 929.03 sq centimetres | |
1 sq km | 0.3861 sq miles | 1 sq mile | 2.590 sq km | |
1 hectare | 2.4711 acres | 1 acre | 0.4047 sq hectares |
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